helping myself fly

helping myself fly

Sunday, November 23, 2014

I have been reading the blogs for two hours now
I've gotten pieces of inspirations and can't seem to put them together
I just hope that my heart cements the handprints your writing has impressed on me
I'm ready to learn your veins and the beatings your heart has to take
and I know the ways of my heart and want to learn the reasons yours has rhythm
I want to except the hardships of love because I'm ready to fall even if no one is there to catch me
At least that's what the pages tell me when I turn them
 And it's what I want
    And I want to, I want what I want to exist perfectly
I'm ready to fall because I know that even if maybe I shouldn't I could get caught
 but that's all I wanted and it was to learn how to imperfectly love perfectly
I feel it in the people and the stories I see
Todays blog is short in reality

I say I want to learn more hearts, but it's just a lie cuz I feel I've already learned yours and want I to stop searchin

My heart couldn't ever end with just one sentence anyway and nelson told us to keep working on our heart so I will until the beating stops and I can't seem to keep the rhythm of love

And if there's one thing you should know it's that my heart's always showing and growing in my hand
The bigger it gets the smaller I worry about how big it recieves


  1. Simply amazing. We all have different hearts. Some of us have it inside of us. Others have it out for the world to see. My heart is in my hands as well. But I have it in my hands to show people that a heart can keep beating even after its been through crap. Its amazing how a heart can keep beating from our birth until we take our last breath. I will never drop my heart. I will hold it close and never let it go. Great Post. I just write random stuff, sorry. I love your blog :)

  2. "I say I want to learn more hearts" I don't know why this just really touched me.

  3. "I just hope that my heart cements the handprints your writing has impressed on me"

    beauty. purest beauty.

  4. I loved this. From the opening line: "I have been reading the blogs for two hours now" -

    I was there with you. I don't think your blog is short in reality. There's plenty of it in this post.

    "My heart couldn't ever end with just one sentence and nelson told us to keep working on our heart so I will until the beating stops and I can't seem to keep the rhythm of love"
