helping myself fly

helping myself fly

Monday, October 13, 2014

Check List To A Great Fall

Cool breeze
Warm outfits and drinks down our throats
Leaves changing like the people around us
Hair do's slowly falling down
Like the way I wish you were falling for me
Taste every flavorful pumpkin scent cuz it's only here once a year
Love the way the windows are down and the rhythms are pounding my ears
Scarfs everyday and then repeated
Heading up to a fire in the dark where your face is half lighted by it's flame
And cool breeze gets a little cooler
Rake the falling leaves that fell the way I did for you
Clean up the mess for a greater mess to hopefully fall
Walks following the trail others led
Because even though we know where we are going it's the scariest time of year
Best costume of all is the one all year long
Now we need three more layers to keep us the same
And cool breeze isn't cool but cold
The windows start to freeze and I can't see where I am anymore
Layers are successful at keeping the cold in
Then the white sprinkles fall from the clouds but they taste like water
We roll them up until it all melts and now we have circles to build upon
And the last check on the list is be thankful for the fall you had now that winter's here
Cuz winters can be fun too
It deserves a check list too
Just like me and you and the things we could do
But the leaves are done falling and they all fell but you
It's not that you haven't fallen but that you were the first
You already were a pile leaves raked up
The snow already fell on you and it tasted like sugar
And the fall was fun but now I'm scared of the landing cuz leaves aren't a pillow even in a pile


  1. What the crap?

    (I mean this as a compliment.)

    You took me for a ride. I didn't plan on taking this ride. I thought I was going to read a list. A list of things that would make for a great fall season.

    And then you had lines like:
    "Hair do's slowly falling down
    Like the way I wish you were falling for me"


    "Best costume of all is the one all year long"

    Holy crap. Thanks for the ride.

  2. Layers are successful at keeping the cold in

    i loved this post so much

  3. This is one of my favorites. Too many quotes to #steal but it's all #stolen

  4. This made my life. So good.

    $tolen #tothemax
