helping myself fly

helping myself fly

Friday, June 17, 2016

Prompt #3: The Ways I'll Get Closer To Who I NEED To Be

I don't want to live a normal life to the people around me. I don't want to care what anyone thinks other than God, and I don't want to stay up late messing up his plan for me anymore. I'm tired of not doing what I know I should be and separating my spirit and body more and more everyday. I want to be the women that supports her man, and helps him live to his potential. I want to wait and let the things that happen later actually happen later because they'll be and mean so much more then. I want to be the girl who finds time for work, school, sleep, exercise, thoughtfulness, fun, and studying spiritually and educationally everyday. I want to make Sundays full of service and each night filled with thoughts toward Thee rather then what I shouldn't and should've done. I want to give enough to my parents and still have enough to support my needs and my future family needs. Which means I want to be the girl with a budget and the girl who cares more about money for her family then the girl who cares so much about her outsides. but I still want to have style. I want to have style because wearing lipstick will always be apart of me. The same way I'll want to get something for myself every now and again. I want to feel comfortable with tears when things get to hard or sad for me to hold back, and the way i'll get there is being more of the me I know I should be. So here's to my goals and the chances I have to change again and be better everyday through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

1. Sleep 8 hours a night
2. Pray every morning
3. Exercise
4. Work/School
5. Smile and be thoughtful
6. Homework
7. Fun
8. Spiritual Study
9. Pray
10. Be in bed around 12

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