helping myself fly

helping myself fly

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Prompt #1: List of Advice

1. Bring a jacket wherever you go
2. What really matters is how you feel about what your doing and where you're going. Just focus on setting goals and pleasing God. His and your opinions are all that matter. 
3. Trust in good. If you have a good thought then do it. Good things help people more than you think.
4. Tell them how you feel because you never know what will come of it.
5. Let whatever's keeping you from serving and liking someone go. It's only hurting you to hate.
6. Read and pray and work hard everyday and you'll feel good
7. If you're trying to be healthy: The second dessert will never satisfy you like the first
8. Tell your parents you love them a lot more than you already do, or ask them for advice, and take into consideration what they say. Cuz they need that.
9. People have better intentions then you think they do.
10. You're doing better than you think you are.
11. Push yourself to be vulnerable and do the things you're scared of. It makes life and the stories about it better.
12. Be honest. As honest as you can.
13. Connect your body and spirit everyday.
14. Attend the temple regularly
15. Don't get into habits of baking and making the same things. Try new cuz you never know what you're missing out on.
16. Write letters to people. They can keep them, and there proof of anything you want them to be proof of. Love, forgiveness, sadness, It all.
17. Prove yourself to yourself.
18, Work hard in school cuz you'll regret it when you don't.
19. Be kind to yourself. Tell the mean thoughts to leave, and welcome the good ones more.

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